- 37 years of achievement in the law enforcement profession
Proven to be a progressive and successful police commander throughout the law enforcement community statewide
- Successful as a leader and manager in the numerous supervisory positions held
Experienced in Administration, Budget Management, Criminal Intelligence, Patrol Operations, Support Services, Crime Prevention and Community Policing, Corrections, Vehicle Safety Inspections, Crime Analysis, Operational and Tactical Intelligence, Conflict Resolution
- Successful in promoting and carrying out the mission of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office
Required professionalism, integrity, fairness, accountability, and service from all agency personnel

School of Education
Masters of Science Degree in Management
Certificate in Police Executive Leadership Development
School of Professional Studies in Business & Education
Bachelor of Science Degree in Leadership & Management
• Graduated with Honors
Associates of Arts Degree in Criminal Justice
- National Sheriff’s Institute
- FBI and Harford County Sheriff’s Office, LEEDS – Law Enforcement Executive Development School
- Maryland State Police Inaugural Command College
- Mid-Atlantic Regional Community Policing Institute – PARTNERS (Patrol Officers and Citizens)
- Public Safety Training Institute – Law Enforcement Leadership & Performance Management Course
Harford County Sheriff’s Office, Bel Air, Maryland – 2014 to Present
- Elected to lead the primary law enforcement agency in Harford County and the largest full service agency in the State of Maryland
- Responsible for providing court services, law enforcement, and correctional services to the county’s 260,000 residents
- Oversee a workforce of more than 600 sworn and civilian personnel
- Manage $100,000,000 annual budget
Advanced Leadership Consortium, Bel Air, Maryland– 2012 to 2014
Founding Partner
- Offer supervisory and executive level training in topics of leadership and management, strategic planning, critical problem solving and command/control.
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland – 2008 to 2018
Adjunct Faculty
- Instruct undergraduate level students in the Police Executive Leadership Program
- Teach communications for aspiring law enforcement and emergency services leaders
- Teach vital Team Building skills necessary for students in the law enforcement profession
- Prepare lesson plans and teach in an effective manner

Maryland State Police, Pikesville, Maryland – 1984 to 2012
Captain – Automotive Safety Enforcement Division, Commander
- Commander of 20 Troopers deployed to assist the citizens of Livingston, Louisiana, during Hurricane Gustav in September, 2008
- Chaired statewide inter-agency, multi-discipline, workgroup comprised of law enforcement, corrections, hospital security and heath care professionals, in drafting a statewide law enforcement model policy dealing with the security of arrested persons in EMS and hospital settings
- Supervise the daily operation for MSPs Vehicle Safety Inspection Program
- Responsible for the regulatory management of more than 1,600 licensed inspection stations
- Responsible for the over 9,000 registered mechanics in the state of Maryland
- Prepare and manage the Division’s 5.2-million-dollar budget
Captain – Northern Troop Commander
- Responsible for three Maryland State Police installations in Harford, Carroll, and Cecil Counties
- Responsible for the assignments and duties of one hundred ninety-five (195) personnel
- Ensured each installation maintained daily manpower allocations for Patrol Operations and Criminal Investigation activities
- Coordinate a variety of enforcement activities with other law enforcement agencies
Captain – Office of the Superintendent, Executive Assistant
- Responsible for the daily coordination of the Superintendent’s activities
- Coordinated with the Governor’s Office with matters relating to law enforcement
- Oversight of correspondence and requests for the Superintendent
Cadet through Lieutenant – Held various uniform and plain clothes assignments within the Department and around the State of Maryland during a successful and rewarding career.
- Member, Johns Hopkins University Alumni Association
- Member, Johns Hopkins Public Safety Leadership Association
- Member, International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP)
- Member, National Sheriff’s Association (NSA)
- Member, American Bar Association’s Task Force on Law Enforcement Body Cameras
- Member, Maryland Chiefs of Police Association
- Member, Maryland Correctional Administrators Association
- Chair, Harford County Police Commission
- Member, Harford County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council
- Member, Harford County Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council
- Member, Harford County Economic Development Advisory Board
- Board Member, Harford Community Action Agency, Inc.
- Member, Harford County Chamber of Commerce
- Johns Hopkins University Alumni Association
- Johns Hopkins Public Safety Leadership Association
- FBI – Law Enforcement Executive Development Association
- International Association of Auto Theft Investigators (past member)
- American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (past member)
- Maryland State Police Alumni Association
- Maryland Trooper’s Association – Lodge 96
- Fraternal Order of Police – Lodge 76
- Police Emerald Society of Baltimore
- Loyal Order of the Moose – Bel Air Moose Lodge #1952